A curious software developer

I am a curious software developer interested in building highly scalable client side applications by observing the most recent technology and software engineering principles.

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I've got what you need!

I have the skills and tools for taking an abstract idea and turning it into a concrete product with well thought out design and architecture.

Go UP!

At Your Service

Most Demanding Skills

I keep my self updated regularly so I stay on top of the game.

Always On time

My passion and skills are ideal in any software engineering position that requires working with tight deadlines.

Unlimited curiosity

Learning new things and adoption to new technology is one of my hobby. This will just keep me curious at all times.

Made with Love

There is difference between people who do the job and who love it. I simply adore my job! Indeed, you have to make your web apps with love these days!

Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to start your next project with me? That's great! Give me a call or send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible!
